Saturday, March 9, 2024

TUESDAY, March 12, 2024: Nyack Sketchers at the Nyack Library


Come and Sketch the Views from the Nyack Library

Kay Copp Brown is starting a new sub-group of the NYC Urban Sketchers and she is inviting everyone to their first meeting at the Nyack Public Library.  


DATE: TUESDAY, March 12, 2024

START TIME: 2:00 PMGather in the Creative Lab before and after sketching.

LOCATION: Nyack Library, 59 S. Broadway, Nyack, NY 10690.    Phone: (845) 358-3370.  


  • There are lots of chairs in the library, but you own stools may be used as long as they are not in the way of walking.
  • Afterwards, we will plan to go the Art Cafe (next door to the library) for a cup of coffee or tea.

Please RSVP to Kay Copp Brown at
Looking for us? Call Kay at 631-432-6526

All skill levels welcome!

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