Sunday, September 21, 2014

Green-wood Cemetery

This first sketch was at the entrance. An overwelmining building to sketch!

The back of the chapel.

I did this quick 15 minute sketch in front of the chapel, looking up at the hill, but splashed some color on at home to make it more readable.


Lunchtime at a German beer garden in a converted auto repair shop. Our visitors from Germany didn't think it was like anything at home! A good time was had by all. I sketched my fellow sketchers , which are so much lovelier in person.

After lunch we went back and I completed a sketch of an angel, and included a few Autumn leaves from the site.

Food and a few beers makes for a happy group!

On our walk back after lunch, we passed this fabulous painting on a garage door, and some real "location sketching" on the sidewalk, in chalk, in front of it.


  1. Love the ink and wash sketches, but especially the lunch portrait -- really great lines.

    1. Thanks Mia! The music at the bar got me inspired!

  2. Love the angel especially, and then the front gate also especially, and the lunch people also especially. Hmm. Its not a problem - I can love them all. Great photographs. I didn't notice you flitting around.

    1. Thank you Pat. I'm sneaky and snarky like that :)

  3. Wonderful location sketches. I don't think I've ever seen you do a portrait. They came out great,


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