Wednesday, May 29, 2024

SATURDAY: Sketch Fort Tryon


Fort Tryon is such a beautiful location to sketch.  Even if it didn’t have breathtaking views of the Hudson, it would still be a wonderful urban park in its own right, with planted gardens and interesting vistas.  

A little history:  The park was the creation of philanthropist John D. Rockefeller, Jr., who bought up several of the estates beginning in 1917 in order to create it. He engaged the Olmsted Brothers firm – formed by the sons of Frederick Law Olmsted, (who of course designed Central Park) – to design the park.  It was gifted to the city in 1931.  Fort Tryon Park remains one of the city’s most beautiful outdoor pieces of art and it’s got to be one of  the best presents ever.

Fort Tryon is also home to the Cloisters Museum & Gardens, a branch of The Metropolitan Museum of Art devoted to the art, architecture, and artifacts of medieval Europe.  The splendid collection was started with donations from Rockefeller’s collection.  If you’d prefer an indoor day, or if we have unexpected rain, we can still get a great day of sketching.


What:   Join us sketching Fort Tryon and the Cloisters

Where:   We’ll meet at the New Leaf Restaurant & Bar in Fort Tryon park.  It is easy to find in the park and is centrally located.   (see map below)

When:  Saturday, June 1, 2024  Sketching starts at 10 AM and runs until 3 PM.  Sleeping late?  Come late, we’ll be happy to see you.  If you do come late can you pretty safely assume that anyone you see sketching is an Urban Sketcher.  (And if they’re not - be sure to tell them about us.)

Lunch:  12:00 PM.  We’ll meet at the New Leaf restaurant and we’ll find a spot nearby to dine outdoors.  You should probably bring your lunch, as I recall the New Leaf doesn’t do take out, and it’s a long walk out of the park to find vendors and shops.

Afternoon:  1:00 PM - Back to sketching.  

Show and Tell:  3 PM  Location to be determined - probably our lunch spot.  This is the social part of our day when we'll share our sketches, tell art stories and maybe even talk about our favorite art supplies.


-   Bring a stool if you have one - it gives you more options.

Map of Fort Tryon Park:  

If you can’t find us

call or text Mark at 973-809-9128

There are no fees.   All drawing skill levels are welcome.

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