My first post on the NYC Urban Sketching blog and it's not NYC at all, but another city - Paris! Luck found me across the Atlantic over the new year, with a little time to sketch as I explored the streets. I promise, next post will be back on this side of the ocean, with pictures from our most recent of New York sketching excursions. In the meantime, here is a little bit of sketching from my time in Paris:
The fountain at Saint Sulpice - roar!
A brief pause to tale in IM Pei's steel and glass against an ancient backdrop of the Louvre buildings - I kept expecting to find an Apple logo hanging in there somewhere.
Bystanders on their metro, and a corner cafe.
A quick sketch of a pollarded tree at Versailles.
Rodin at Musee D'Orsay - what a beautiful building these works are contained in, something I'll hope to sketch the next time -

Another great park fountain
Statue of a warrier at the Louvre, and everyone posed in front of it striking the same pose -
Heracles at the Louvre, showing the serpent who's boss

Winged victory soaring above the masses!