Monday, June 24, 2013

Whitney Museum June 19, 2013

1 comment:

  1. Hi Urban Sketches,

    I've been browsing your blog and really enjoy it. Thanks for sharing!

    Currently, I’m looking for bloggers and contributors for a website called NyIntl ( Would you perhaps be interested in contributing your past and future blog articles? We want this website to be a thriving community of experts generating conversations on life in NYC.

    It's free to join, and only the title and the first few sentences of your blog entries will be published on the website. We want readers to engage with your content and be directed to your blog for the full article. This way, you'll get traffic! :)

    If you’re interested or have any questions, please send me an email at adriennemiddlebrook [at] with “NyLives” in the subject line, and I’ll send you a link to activate your account (or answer questions).




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