Weekday Schedule for March

Federal Hall
In an effort to help you plan to attend the Weekday Sketching events, here is the schedule for the rest of March. This will replace a previous posting.
Wednesday March 15, 2023 New LIRR station and the Main Branch of the NY Public Library
Wednesday March 22, 2023 Federal Hall on Wall Street
Wednesday March 29, 2023 The Big ReUse and the Gowanus Canal
- The Hispanic Society will be on our list as soon as it reopens
- If the weather stays warm we will start moving outdoors in April
- There will be a few sessions to capture the cherry trees in bloom. The schedule will have to be flexible to accommodate natures time table.
- AND: If you have ideas for sketch sites please let Raylie Dunkel know by sending an email to Rayliedunkel1@gmail.com