Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Sketching the New Fulton Transit Center (plus)

Submitted for your approval:


The Fulton Street Station

A dramatic interior space filed with curves and levels to sketch.

Magical Urban Sketching:

Mandatory Jim Discovers he can Fly
in the New Fulton Street Station

Magical Urban Sketching extends the boundaries of our Manefesto.

Urban Sketchers:

Jeff Dressed for Winter

Jeff posed for a quicky sketch before we left for lunch

A Patron at Dr. Sketchy:

So many interesting attitudes and costumes at the Dr. Sketchy event we attended after Fulton Street.

I Question:

I question whether any of my sketches except the first one are really Urban Sketches, and yet ..., they were influenced by the day and in some small way captured the spirit of the time and feel of NYC November 2014.  And of course, you should have seen Jim flying! Hardly anyone at the Station noticed, but we all know that something magical happens whenever we sketch.


  1. I love the turquoise color in your last sketch! Especially on the face.

  2. Jim is so quiet, I doubt anyone noticed him flying. :)

  3. Mark, you really did a great job on the architecture of the center and both portraits look super. That turquoise color gives them a really striking look.


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