Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Don't Sketch the Structure!

Sunday we met at Brookfield Place in Lower Manhattan to sketch the wonderful views and luminaries that were on display. When I arrived Shawne was telling everyone that security apparently didn't want us to sketch the structure because it was a security risk. LOL If someone could learn something about the structure of the building from my sketches, apparently I do better at perspective than I thought. 

My first sketch had to have a little structure...or what was the point? So I included some of the arched windows in the background of the luminaries hanging from the ceiling. It was fun to have the contrast of the tall trees reaching up and the luminaries hanging down. I did this directly in watercolor.

Then I sketched using ink and watercolor.

We were excited to have some of the members of the Urban Sketchers Board of Directors joining us for the morning. It was great to reconnect with Elizabeth and Suma again! I took a few photos of everyone at work...yes, they let you take photos...but not sketch???

Shawne did get a group photo before the board members left us.

After meeting some of the sketchers for lunch upstairs I headed down and sketched the pastry shop on the main floor. It was sketch it or go inside and buy something...sketching was fewer calories.

I sat in the same spot and just turned 90 degrees to my left to do one more sketch. (Don't tell anyone it includes some of the structure).

Thanks to Shawne, Denise, and Elaine for doing such a good job of hosting this week!


  1. Great sketches! So much fun to sketch with all of you!

  2. It was great to see you, Suma. Let us know any time you head back to NYC.


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