Monday, April 21, 2014

Draftsmen's Congress: Serious Fun

Last Friday night, I skipped out of work (I was so excited, I ran, actually) to join with fellow Urban Sketchers in this collaborative project by Polish artist, Pawel Althamer.

Located on the Bowery, in the New Museum's fourth floor gallery, the installation transforms daily, as group after group of visitors come make their marks here, be it the walls or the floors or the tepee in the middle of the room or right over someone else's existing creation.

Jason and Mark were at the opening when the walls were all white. Now look!

Jason modelling the lab coat/butcher's frock/smock provided for all guests.

Everything in this room is covered in paint. And I do mean everything.

Hmmm... the hallway in the adjoining hall, though, is looking mighty pale.

 Juicy colored tempera and watercolors, and brushes in every size. Just like kindergarten.

 Not a bad way to bond.

Moments after I painted this affirmation, other artists came along and added to it.

 Marie-Laure about to get splashy.

After sketching a lovely design, Marie-Laure invited me to splash over it. Here, nothing is sacred.

A distorted panorama shot--but you can see the teepee in the middle.

NYC Urban Sketchers Unite!

Thanks, Richard, for organizing this outing. Oh, and this Wednesday through Sunday (April 23-27), they will be disassembling this exhibit during the museum’s public hours and the painted walls will be cut up and distributed to visitors for free. 


  1. With all the splashes and splatters on the coats everyone blends in with the walls! LOL

    1. Yup-Jason looks like a page out of "Where's Waldo?"

  2. Looks like it was great fun. Also the single best photo of Jason

  3. Replies
    1. It was truly like being a little kid all over again-- in the best sense, Michelle!

  4. You take part in so many fun events and have exciting art times, if only something like that went on here (and I'm not thinking of starting one though I might have done when I was younger). That's a real collaborative piece.

  5. Hi Jez, Yes, this was one of those times I felt so grateful to live in NYC. Where do you live? I bet there are interesting things happen in your neck of the woods, too-or close by.


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