Thursday, April 17, 2014

Sketching Near Union Square

Yesterday my sister, Michelle and I went into NYC to see the American Watercolor Society Show currently at the Salmagundi Club on Fifth Ave. & 12th St. It was fantastic and runs until April 20.
We made sure to get into the city early so we had some time to scotch. It was cold and windy...much too cold and windy to sit outside in the morning so on Susan's advice we looked for the Whole Foods on 14th Street. Upstairs there are tables and windows overlooking the park. So we camped out there to sketch for a while. I did a bird's eye view of the park and some of the people. Once again I did this directly in watercolors without any pencil sketching first.

A view of one of the street lamps.

A few taxis and umbrellas and carts on the corner.

We left at this point and went to have lunch and view the show. We did come back to the park for one more sketch. It had warmed up enough that we could sit in the sun and work comfortably. This lady looked like she was warm enough too and who could resist that background...

1 comment:

  1. Joan, I love that u included the traffic snarl on the Expressway! Jim


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