Friday, July 4, 2014

44th Worldwide Sketch Crawl July 12th

 NYC Urban Sketchers had a great day of sketching at Hoboken. The temperature was just right, shady and breezy.  The views on the waterfront and across to Manhattan were great. See our group posts on the rest of the blog

Here's the group at the start
Here we are at the end of the day

We will get together to sketch and participate in the 44th Worldwide sketch crawl on Saturday July 12th.
Come join us in Hoboken to sketch train terminals, piers and historic streets and architecture. Feel free to show up whenever you want and sketch what you please.

Hoboken is easily accessible through ferry service, PATH train or car.

A suggested itinerary: (if it rains, the terminal is a great place to stay dry)

10:00 am - Meet at Pier A and move on to Pier C at 11:00
12ish- Lunch (there are many places to choose from)
1:00 to 4:00 - Sketch along Washington Street
4:30 - Meet up at the Hoboken Terminal  for sketch views and final photos

Link to the sketch map
44th WWSC

Contact info:
Richard 917 224 8373

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful. I've been wanting to sketch Hoboken. Should be a great day!


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