Friday, January 3, 2014

From Fred Chaney in Perth

One of the best things about NYC Urban Sketchers is that we get regular visitors drawing with us when they are visiting in the New York area.   I've been swapping emails with Fred Chaney, who sketched with us twice while visiting the US from his home in Australia.

Fred and his family spent the New Year at seaside Mandurah just south of Perth.  He mentioned the weather was unseasonably cool at 25 Celsius.   After doing the conversion and finding out that's 77 degrees Fahrenheit, I had to laugh. It was 8 degrees F this morning when I work up ( that would be -13 C Fred if you're reading this.  Brrrr.)

He sent the sketch below - his final one for 2013.


 His sketch strongly reminds me of the the landscape work of Fairfield Porter.  See if you don't agree:

Fred says he's in the process of organizing an Urban Sketch group in Perth.

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