Saturday, August 30, 2014

Sketching Along the Promenade

My thanks to Jim for all his organizing of today's locations!!! You did a great job!

We were sketching along the Battery Park City Promenade which had some wonderful views.
Our day started at the northern end of the promenade by River Terrace. We were joined by a sketcher visiting NYC from Germany. Don was able to do sketches at two places along the promenade before he left to meet up with his wife and son. Here he is sketching by River Terrace.

I was able to do two sketches at that location. I liked the view of the garden in front of the view across the river to New Jersey and also the view of the boat in the water. Doesn't that look like a good way to relax in a crowded city?

Our next stop was by the Potato Famine Memorial. Having been to Ireland last year I appreciated how close the area looked to the Irish farmland.

Here is Jim doing his sketch.

I did my sketch of the memorial against one of the typical NYC buildings. I liked the contrast of the stone ruins against the glass of the building.

At this point we were joined by Kay. This was her first time sketching with us on Saturday.
We were off to get lunch for a picnic and then moved down to the North Cove Yacht Basin.
Who knew there was a NYC Sailing School??? There were lots of sailboats and yachts, but I wanted to sketch the view with the red Colgate sign across the river.

Everyone was very busy sketching.

Around 3:30 we did a throwdown of our sketchbooks. It is always fun to see what everyone has created during the day.

And here is our group photo...left to right we have Mark, Jane, Jim, Amy and myself.

Mike, Jane, and I decided to do another sketch and went a bit further down to Robert F. Wagner, Jr. Park. It had some interesting views.

You could see the Statue of Liberty.

This time I sketched the view towards the land.

Around 5 Jane led us to the train so we could head back to Penn Station and home.
It was a great day.! Thanks to everyone for making it special.


  1. thanks for the recap - a small but dedicated group... glad to have shown you and mike more of BPC - my friend actually runs the sailing school

    1. It was a fun day even if the group was small. Enjoy your Saturday watercolor classes. Maybe we will get together on a Sunday.

  2. Thanks Jim, Jane, and Joan (my local artist/guides). We had a wonderful day of urban sketching and painting along the Battery Park City waterfront promenade, coves, and nearby Irish Hunger Memorial.


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