Sunday, October 5, 2014

Pen Crazy

OK I admit it.  I am Pen Crazy.  It took 2 meetings with the NYC Urban Sketchers and I finally admit it.  It began with sneaking glances at other Sketchers' pens last week in Gowanus.  Then asking some questions... then... then....  It all came out this week sketching in Times Square...

This young tourist was happy to sit still in the cold for an hour and fifteen minutes.  That's Mark behind her, and Julie bundled up to the right.  My next sketch I put away the pen and just used brush.

But I couldn't resist so I picked up the pen again and watched the sketchers deep in concentration... each in a silent, quiet world in the middle of the insanity of Times Square...

Pat loaned me her white Signo Uni-Ball to make the pen she is holding in the drawing.  She mentioned she got it at Kinokuniya - the Japanese bookstore...

In the last cold minutes I quickly sketched this Jesus freak... I think I saw him here back in '68... or was it '72?

When we regrouped in the Marriott, I continued my pen queries with the other sketchers.  Then I had the pleasure of meeting Melanie Reim, whose work I've admired for years.  She showed me some of her pens, and she also told me she bought them at Kinokuniya, which was about five blocks away.   I couldn't pass this up and made a bee-line there and soon, in the basement, I was in PEN HEAVEN!!

So check out my new pens, Sketchers...  see you in the basement of Kinokuniya!


  1. What a madness..... sketching on Times Square!!!

    I laughed much with

    " quickly sketched this Jesus freak... I think I saw him here back in '68... or was it '72?"

    Good sketches!!

  2. Jeff, I am humbled by your shout out, but moreover, was so happy to meet you and to see your work. And you made it to the store! That's awesome! See you again soon~

  3. You cracked me up. Such a nice calm demeanor and underneath a Bicycling Pen Maniac. Thanks for sketching me while I was sketching the umbrella. What a fun chaotic location. Cold but perfect.

  4. I was delighted to find this blog after seeing your group at work in Times Square. I happened to be there as the first sketch was completed and the thrilled model went on her way. Wonderful work and a real treat to see it here.

  5. With or without lines, these are a delight!

  6. Great post. Great sketches (I love the line quality and tone).

  7. what no pilot parallels? :)

    seriously love the sketches, 2nd one especially and apropos of nothing Melanie is the reason i signed for the Sketchbook Skool

  8. Excellent sketches both with the pen and without! Glad to see there are some new sketchers. I'm looking forward to meeting you now that I'm home from Italy. Hope the weather holds out for the Highline.


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